It wasn’t only humans who served the military in wartime – there were also a few outstanding animal heroes. Here are three: SERGEANT STUBBY – WORLD WAR I Sergeant Stubby (1916 – March 16, 1926) was the official mascot of the 102nd Infantry Regiment (United States) during World War I. He served for 18 months and participated in seventeen battles on the Western Front. He was either an American Pit Bull Terrier, or a mix. As befits this page, he was a stray, discovered at Yale University by troops who were training to go into combat. One of the soldiers, Corporal Robert Conroy, hid him on the troop ship when the regiment shipped out. He then hid him in his overcoat to avoid detection. When he was discovered, he ingratiated himself by saluting the commanding officer. The office, of course, let him stay. Stubby served with the 102nd Infantry Regiment in France for 8 months and participated in 17 battles. He was wounded in the leg by a hand grenade. When he recovered from his wounds, Stubby returned to the trenches. In his first year of battle Stubby…