In order to share things I’ve learned about the animal shelter/animal rescue sphere from the inside, I started this page in October, 2018. I’m here to help you navigate the adoption application, choose the right cat or dog for your family, learn the difference between rescues and shelters, and feel comfortable with the adoption process.
I’ll also be doing general pet care posts. From training, to veterinary visits, from crafts for your pets, to safety matters. If it has to do with dogs or cats, you’ll find it here eventually.
So, even if you’re full up at home with pets, you’ll still find something interesting here. I pledge to keep it upbeat. There are enough sites sharing horror stories about animals. I want you to leave this website with food for thought, maybe having learned something new, and with a smile on your face.
Hi, I’m Abbey and I’ve been involved with animal shelters and rescues for the past 11 years. As volunteer dog-walker, Volunteer Coordinator, Administrator and chief writer for one shelter’s Facebook page and as a paid adoption counselor. I’ve adopted three dogs, and taken in a couple of strays who stayed with me. Two of these are still with me. All three had issues of one sort or another. I’ve been a foster fail, adopting a dog I was only going to “foster”. But I wouldn’t change a thing, even though each one came with challenges. And each one helped me learn…..
Please use my page to find a shelter near you, and read the blog. I hope to explain a few things you may not have known about the animal rescue world. Mostly, I want to encourage and promote pet adoption. If I can be responsible for at least one animal finding a permanent, loving home, this page will have done its job.
I’m always happy to hear from my readers – please drop me a line with questions or comments anytime at [email protected]
Happy Adopting!